10 best RPG decades. From Mass Effect 2 to Persona 5

About the nomination

RPG is the most democratic genre, because both multimillion -dollar blockbusters and dream projects made by a team of several people on a bare enthusiasm can compete in it on equal terms. If there is a spelled out world, exciting quests and interpreted pumping, then graphic delights are not so important. Therefore, in the final top we have represented role -playing games of all sizes, budgets and sucks. In addition to FromSoftware's creations – after fierce disputes with the interspersed of the acquaintance, the editorial office agreed that it was more appropriate to classify them with action.

Tenth place – The Outer Worlds

A game called "New Fallout", Unexpectedly for everyone, turned out to be a completely independent and full -fledged product. Of course, the inheritance New Vegas The same team Obsidian It looks out of all gaps and cracks, but the developers lifted and raised the most suitable ideas of the predecessor, added several new developments, and then weaved them with each other, receiving something unique, incredibly beautiful, but at the same time, painfully familiar.

U The Outer Worlds There were no huge budgets, technical capabilities and, more importantly, wagons of empty promises. Instead, she just appeared and showed everything for which we love the games from Obsidian: fateful dilemmas, an extensive field for research, in detail spelled characters and worlds, as well as bright dialogs that do not have time to bore.

In addition, The Outer Worlds is an exemplary RPG. In addition to all the purely mechanical signs of the genre, there is freedom of choice and not releasing the feeling that all the player’s actions most directly affect both the protagonist and the world surrounding him.

Ninth place – Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Find a full -fledged role -playing game in realistic setting without fantasy and science fiction elements is extremely difficult. And if the setting is not just “realistic”, but naturally historical? Until February 2018, it was possible to shut up with your hands. Fortunately, it turned out that not only GTA clones about gangsters are able to do in the Czech Republic.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance You can take from the blind for the accidentally turned on History Channel: we even devoted separate material to the analysis of the reliability of what is happening. Bohemia at the beginning of the 15th century with all its knights and robbers, locks and villages, forests and fields look so lively that I want to settle in it. But to live the life of the https://sister-site.org/kong-casino/ protagonist with the name of the Indirzhikh unusual for the Russian ear is also good. Warhorse Studios It was possible to maintain the perfect balance between realism (the needs of Indro – that your Tamagochi has!) and playfulness, so the project is more like a good adventure novel like “Aivengo” or “Black Arrow” than on a history textbook. It turns out that in the Middle Ages it was possible to have fun and without any witchcraft. Today we throw a neighboring house with manure, and tomorrow we take the storm of the stronghold of the local feudal lord; The day after tomorrow we participate in the orgies of the village priest, and after a day – we overshadowed by hallucinogens, we call Satan along with the “witches” ..

The place in this rating Kingdom Come: Deliverance deserves at least for the clearly demonstrates: the usual, unlucky land is suitable for role -playing games no worse than the next worlds of sword and magic or a gloomy post -ore future.

Eighth place – Disco Elysium

It's great that Disco Elysium Shot. The audience has accepted the debut work of the Estonian studio ZA/UM extremely warm, and critics literally filled up awards. But the question arises: is it too early to call it one of the most important RPG decades? Suddenly the guys were just lucky, or we became so impressionable?

In our opinion – no, it's not too early. Yes, this is only the first work of the studio. Yes, perhaps the stars simply came together at the right angle. But is it so important? Already now it is clear that Disco Elysium will grow old like exquisite wine; it is absolutely not confused with anything. At least ZA/UM took the developments of many RPG, starting with Planescape: Torment And finishing Shadowrun, The result of her works was one hundred percent original.

Disco Elysium refuses to get out of his head even months after passing. She seems to be a strange acquaintance, even a native; as a city that you know by postcards, but where you have never been. And all because the developers created RPG, where everything really rotates around the characters. Around the tragicomic, but for some reason the pain of real situations in which they constantly fall. No fighting, sewn to a chic scenario, just “so that it is”, no mantle and haste – only endless melancholy.

Well, the collection of glass containers, of course. You have to buy cigarettes for some money in order to smoke it in the pouring rain.

Seventh place – Persona 5

Another Persona became a real gift for lovers of Japanese role -playing games. It is difficult to call it innovative: the fifth part successfully continues to use the elements introduced in the third. But each of them is complemented and polished to dazzling shine, so that the combination of step -by -step fights, puzzles, stealth, visual novels and the original magical system plays new colors.

Persona 5 turned out to be a real candy for the eyes. And not only because of the new engine, which allows you to finally consider the heroes, people and demons in details. Designers dashingly mixed anime and comic aesthetics, shook it with noir and references to pop culture and got a damn stylish picture that also looks amazing in dynamics.

But, most importantly, the series, as always, does not shy about to play acute topics and ask uncomfortable questions, turning along to psychology, mythology and philosophy. Persona 5 themes can be listed for a long time: there is a fight against social injustice, and the search for your place in the world, and the price of freedom, and responsibility to other people, and much more. And, unlike tragic stories about discrimination of magicians or robots, the plot of the game is depressingly topical.

Sixth place – Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Original Deus Ex was an outstanding game: a variety, multi-layer and truly adult-and today there are such on the fingers. To get a new hit, Eidos montreal It was not even necessary to invent something new, because since the time of the masterpiece Ion Storm Nothing like this appeared to him. Actually, in many ways, for this reason, the young team not even so much prequel was released as the Remel of the 2000 game-timid attempts to add something from himself can not be taken into account-and this was quite enough.

The principle of “kill-chopper-sentence” in this Immersive SIM works even better than in most “purebred” RPGs, and a flexible role system allows you to turn the hero even into a reinforced concrete thug, even into a silent assassin, even into a cunning hacker, even in all straightaway. And most importantly, almost any build will be viable – you just need to choose the right tactics. Moreover, crawl along ventilations and hacking computers behind the guards of the guards no less fun than to break into the crowd of enemies with a machine gun. What is there: even reading notes and digging in someone else's e-mail in a century do not look like a gamedic crutch, but they really talk about the world of not such a distant future and help to plunge into it even deeper. About what Deus Ex: Human Revolution you can go without killing anyone except three bosses, and you should not say.

Not only one of the best RPG, but also clearly the main cyberpunk of the decade: smart, complex and multifaceted.

Fifth place – Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin thundered throughout the world and did it overnight Larian Studios prominent player in the market. Therefore, it was difficult to imagine that the planned sequel would turn out even better, that the authors could jump above their heads – but they succeeded. Divinity: Original Sin 2 became, perhaps, almost the only case in history, when a game financed through Kickstarter , not only did not fail, but also exceeded them in many ways.

This is a RPG, where you can sit for more than ten hours in the gate and even somehow surprise that he did not drag on longer. This RPG is so large and ambitious that in the hands of any other developer her scope would turn into a disaster – but Larian Studios knew what she did. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is not a computer RPG, inspired by table role -playing role, but vice versa. This is the party c D&D or Pathfinder , set to digital rails, where the master refers to players very loyal and loves when they experiment. Do you want to put a barrel of resin in the inventory? Well, why not, come in handy. Two characters in the cooperative decided to act against each other? Excellent, I just have plot twists on this subject. Is it possible to drain the puddle, and then electrify the cloud of steam to stun enemies? Yes, yes, and again yes – only then do not go into this cloud.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 surprises from the first minutes and does not stop throwing surprises up to the very credits, all a hundred (!) Hample hours. This is a modern classic: in ten years, it will be responded with the same reverence as about Baldur’s Gate.

Fourth place – Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 became one of the last games from BioWare , which managed to earn almost unanimous approval by fans of RPG. And there were reasons. She could boast of many bright characters with well -developed stories – from veterans of the previous part like a good old friend of Garrus to beginners, for example, outwardly hard and rude mercenary Jack or a mysterious ghost. The tasks were not just interesting and diverse, but also remarkably set – from a fight on a spaceship flying in the middle of an endless storm to a battle with a huge reaper similar to the Terminator. Thanks to the finalized combat system, it was finally pleased to shoot, and from any weapon. Canadians managed to lift the quality bar set by themselves even higher. Perhaps Mass Effect 2 had only one significant drawback – the main plot of the trilogy in it did not advance too much after the first part.

But compared to a failure ending in Mass Effect 3 and for the most part unsuccessful ** “Andromeda” ** This is an insignificant trifle.

Third place – The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

Look at at Skyrim It really hurts. And not because she, despite all the reprints, was godlessly outdated in visual terms, but because she remained the best creation Bethesda In the 2010s. Eight years have passed, but the studio did not betray nothing more or richer. But we will give the development to the developers – the bar is really high.

Skyrim led the player by the handle only once – at the very beginning, when it was necessary to escape from the incoming did not understand where the dragon was where the dragon. But if you get out of the spider cave, like this whole harsh snowy world lies in front of your feet. All roads are open to you, just some are harder than others, but otherwise – absolute freedom. You can follow the plot, master the dragon screams and fulfill the orders of the Yarl, or you can just shy away in the mountains, run from giants, catch fish, clean the dungeons, turning into a vampire, steal food, etc.D. and t.p. This has fascinated in 2011 and it captivates now.

Second place – Fallout: New Vegas

Perhaps not a single series of classic RPG passed through such deep transformations as Fallout. In technical, in the gameplay, that in the plot plan between the number of the second and third parts lies a whole Grand Canyon. Moreover, the main trouble is not even that the step -by -step isometry suddenly turned into a shooter with role -playing elements: God -dimensional Fallout: Brotherhouse of Steel I did not give a damn about the canon back in 2004. The problem is that fps from Fallout 3 A very mediocre, “role -playing elements” came out, and the central story with an epic final battle for water pumping was only caused by irritation of fans waiting Van Buren, and those who received what happened. Obsidian Entertainment was entrusted to save the series – to people who are under the guise Black Isle Studios At one time, the world was created by Fallout as such. And they did not let.

Formally, New Vegas is drawn not so much on a full -fledged part of the series as on a large mod, but the specialists from Obsidian on the old engine made a completely new game. Greenish, like a beer bottle, the metropolitan wasteland replaced the spaces of the post -core Nevada shown through a warm orange light filter. There were a distinct firearm, a full aiming through the fly (yes, in Fallout 3, even this was not there!) and more or less competent shooting. The city of Vegas vice and its surroundings settled colorful heroes like a robot prostitute with a talking name Fisto or Super Mutant, who considers himself a caring grandmother. Crazy quests were associated with them to the best of quite real, unpredictable and far -reaching consequences, which affect the fate of individuals, towns and the world as a whole. What can we say about trifles like checking skills in dialogs that again made the S system S.P.E.C.I.A.L. a useful, bully plot, the famous perk "Wild Wasteland" or a hot atmosphere of a radioactive western.

In general, even if you transfer New Vegas to the first parts of Fallout, playing it will still be interesting. And this is the best recommendation that you can give RPG.

First place – "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"

According to all the laws of the game industry, CD Projekt Red I just couldn't work out "Wild hunting" , What we know. Yes, "Kings killers" They went out quite fragmentary for regional development, but they were still felt by the East European game, which is pretended to be a blockbuster. Well, the swing of a full open world was supposed to turn into at best something like the trilogy Risen Or recent GreedFall. But a real miracle happened: the cost of hellish processing, bordering a violation of human rights, Polish masters created a hit by the standards of not only Eastern Europe, but the whole world.

The charm of the third “witcher” is that it was really created for everyone. Appreciate nonlinear quests and bright characters? Already in the days of both both of them will be in excess. Love a beautiful fight? Local bandits are sungly cut into pieces. Interested in variable pumping? The local tree of skills is quite branched so that Geralt can be configured for yourself. And if you unscrew the level of complexity to the limit, then alchemy and blacksmithing will become a truly important component of the gameplay, and not just additional points in the menu. “Wild Hunt” did not invent anything, but borrowed all the best from the genre and mixed in such proportions that casuals and hardcores can get pleasure from it. Among the RPG "For all" she remains the best almost five years later.

We agree with our choice? Tell us in the comments what other outstanding RPG 2010s deserve honors.