Assassin’s Creed: Revelations

The formula of the game

60% Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhouse

20% of the East

10% pyrotechnics

The story of the new Assassin’s Creed begins exactly at the place where the previous. Dzmond who has done the affairs is unconscious, and his mind wanders through the “safe zone” of Animus, from time to time looking in the sixteenth century to the Ezio Auditor. Already in fifty, and passers -by call him a grandfather. But having learned that the keys to the unknown treasure of Masiaf were hidden in Constantinople, Ezio immediately sets off on the road – to visit the Istanbul Janissaries and Templars. !

[[Bullet]] The local Istanbul – these are close streets, a picket fence of minarets and a stupid bay, dividing the city into two parts.

What cities did the fate of the Heroes of the Assassin’s Creed do not bring! We were in Acre, in Rome, in Venice and Florence, and in many historical places. Now the secrets of the Assassins brought us to Turkey.

Constantinople, later renamed the Turks to Istanbul, is a city where the traditions of the Old Byzantium and the new Ottoman order were mixed. Women in Nikabas go along the streets of quite European architecture; In the alleys turned into a bazaar, knocking down Turkish speech is heard. “Aibet, Aibat,” say buyers, examining the carpets and silk. But in comparison with Rome, Venice and Florence, the game Constantinople looks Bezliko – even carefully reproduced attractions like the Topkapa Palace, the Cathedral of St. Sophia or the Galata Tower do not help. Too close here. There is no space and beautiful panoramas. At home and streets, streets and houses are repeated and repeated – each time you have to look for ferrymen to cross the Golden Horn bay for the tenth time in a row.

. . An old gameplay is hidden under an updated face, and “Revelations” are not much different from the “Brotherhood”. Perhaps the developers, understanding this, decided to change the appearance of the heroes. Altair, Desmond, Ezio – all of them received new faces who have to get used to. Desmond is present in the game only virtually. He walks along the depths of the "Animus", and his appearance is only an illusion. And Altair and Ezio were just very old.

Brotherhood 2.0

[[Bullet]] Ezio found a vulnerable place in the armor of the guard and immediately used it.

No wonder they say that you can't learn the old dog with new tricks. The Ezio Auditor in Constantinople is engaged in the same thing as in Rome: he climbs the walls, jumps on the roofs, fights with the guards, runs up with instructions and retracts the assassins. All hired detachments on the spot that only accompanying us previously courtesan were replaced by gypsies. Everything is still with the shops: book shops, forges, sewing workshops, banks-they are all waiting for us to buy them. Even the technical novelties, noticed in previous games, are in place: a gun, a super -compact crossbow, and parachutes of Da Vinci. Assassin guild still needs living space. We repel new areas from the Templars, it works the same way as before: eliminate the commander, light the fire on the tower.

But Ezio's concerns do not end on this – the Templars may well try to repel the area. The defense of the "nest" of the Assassins was made in the form of a strategic mini-game. Ezio stands on the roof and gives the commands: Assassins there, barricades here, and leads artillery volleys. And now the surviving Templars in horror scatter under hurricane fire.

Those who do not like the new mini-game, stick bribes of the heralds and cut officials-it is worth it to work a little how the Templars will immediately forget about us.

[[Bullet]] In the depths of the "Animus", Desmond participates in such unusual sessions of psychoanalysis.

Alas, part of the gameplay moments from previous series in Revelations did not implement. No longer ride boats, on horses – also (and nowhere), mountain roads and suburban fuel fields simply. As no schizophrenic puzzles with photos. True, they partly replaces the trip of Desmond according to the memories – a simple puzzle in the spirit of Portal. In it, the hero’s incorporeal mind wanders through the geometric insides of “Animus”, while the orders of a voice reveals the secrets of the past Desmond.

Pyrotechnics in the service of the Assassin

. One throw – all the guards are dead. .

The developers did not give Ezio new abilities, which was compensated by new technical devices. Under the right sleeve, instead of the blade, a hook is hidden, which is very good both in battle and when conquering the heights. True, the ropes stretched over the roofs of Constantinople was not enough: very rarely Ezio comes across, which can be hooked and a shadow slip over the opponents' heads. But when conquering walls, the hook is very useful: it is easier to take the walls with it, and with long jumps it often helps out.

As for the promised bombs and all kinds of pyrotechnics, there is a problem with them – you can take them very little with you, only three pieces of each of the three types. You don’t really go ahead, and the most unusual modifications disappear in vain. Than to take on a dangerous task “smoke” or “bloody bomb” (floods enemies with sheep blood and demotivates them), it is more convenient and easier to do with universal bombs: gas, smoke bombs (enemies are defenseless) and distracting claps. .

[[Bullet]] Legendary Greek fire – Napalm sixteenth century.

. Yes, and with training missions, the developers greedy and carried them into separate mini-tutorials (I must say, comfortable and unobtrusive).

Chases, puzzles, climbing – everything is done so that any player can easily adapt. True, in battles with guards, health flies with a whistle, but you just have to catch the rhythm of the “chains of murders”, like a whole enemy detachment in a second fits to the ground.

A beginner can discourage the abundance of unfamiliar elements of the gameplay. Street fist fights, guild management, business, purchase of weapons and armor, recruitment of assassins – it is better to learn about all this from the past parts of the series.

Yes, the new game turned out to be weaker than the previous. The plot here is short, the heroes of untreated and “revelations” are more likely not Lucky Carnival sister sites to a full -fledged continuation, but to a large DLC.

Tie the tails

[[Bullet]] woke up, dear! It’s good that we have removed the piercing-cutting objects ahead of time.

The restless family of young Suleiman, the Janissaries, the Templars, the inhabitants of the tight streets of Constantinople and the underground cities, a new friend of the hero, from the image of which are remembered except for the immodest neckline, and Altair, rapidly aging from Flashbek to Flashbek, take place before us. The plot is moving quickly to the final.

The developers kept a promise to reveal the secrets remaining after the Brotherhood, so the information on us is poured pretty. Of course, not all story tails in the finale are tied. . Something hangs in the air, and something remains on the next series. . . And that the “revelations” in general did not become a revelation and failed to overshadow the “brotherhood”-okay, let it be so.


Oleg Chimda, editor of "

Hopelessly old

For me, the story of the Ezio Auditor da Firenza ended immediately after Assassin’s Creed II. Each new game in the series repeated the gameplay of the second part and in general did not bring anything new into the concept. So what is the point of playing almost the same game every year? The surroundings changed slightly from time to time, the old concept was overgrown with “meat”, but, in essence, the series continued to keep the players only due to the confusing plot.

If each part were positioned as an addon, ubisoft could be understood. . The history of the Ezio Auditor was too tight, and the film was overcome from multiple repetitions to the release of “revelations”.


Ezio was old, and with him the Assassin’s Creed series. If we compare the third part of the adventures of the killer with previous games, the result will not be in her favor.

The new city is cramped, bombs and hooks justified hopes only partly, the plot in places does not hold the bar. But the gameplay itself did not change – the developers did not spoil what did not break before. Proven formulas are still working, and fans of the series should look into Constantinople, if only in order to find out how the story of the Ezio Auditor and Firenza ended.